What REALLY Happens at a RAISE THE BAR Session?

What REALLY Happens at a RAISE THE BAR Session?

As we enter the final few weeks of the Fall Raise the Bar season, we're giving everyone an up-close-and-personal look into these informative, interactive feedback sessions! For those of you who aren't familiar with Raise the Bar, the goal is to understand what is...

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Halloween FUN at SOUTHLAND!

Halloween FUN at SOUTHLAND!

Southland's Facebook Driver pages have been a very fun place to visit this week! Check out some of the wonderful costumes and spooky bus decorations we found posted to social media! Click the video below to watch a fun slideshow!

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It’s School Bus Safety Week!

It’s School Bus Safety Week!

At SOUTHLAND Transportation, our school bus drivers remind everyone of the importance of keeping our kids safe on the road. Here's how you can help: Slow down in school zones. Stay out of school bus loading zones. Keep a safe following distance when driving behind a...

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The Skies Over Lethbridge Put on a Great Show!

The Skies Over Lethbridge Put on a Great Show!

Last week, the Northern Lights were back in a big way right across North America! These gorgeous photos were submitted by Southland Lethbridge driver Diane Herrick, but they were taken by her husband George. Thank you, Diane, for sending us these terrific photos!

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SOUTHLAND Edmonton Celebrates Successful Start-up!

SOUTHLAND Edmonton Celebrates Successful Start-up!

This past Friday, Southland's Northern Alberta crew gathered at Jang Ming Buffet in Edmonton for a celebratory luncheon. Almost 50 staff enjoyed a great meal to mark a terrific start to the 2024-2025 school year. In fact, our customers have called it "the best...

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