Our mission is to exceed customer expectations by employing talented people who share in the dedication of a company committed to safety and service.
As a leader in the passenger transportation industry, our people are our most important asset. They are entrusted with the responsibility of getting our passengers Safely Home, each and every day. That’s why we recruit, train, and retain only the best in their field, and why we consistently recognize employees who embody our Core Values.
Our key to success is simple — we believe in our people, the ambassadors of all our services, and we believe in our customers, our business partners, and the value of strong relationships.
Become a part of our team! Visit our Careers page
SOUTHLAND Steps Up for Families in Need During Back-to-School Season
As record inflation and high interest rates continue to strain family budgets, many parents find themselves struggling to afford the essential school supplies their children need. This year, the most requested items include backpacks, water bottles, lunch bags, pencil...
SOUTHLAND Halifax Debuts New Recruitment Ad Campaign
Check out SOUTHLAND's latest advertisement airing on CTV Atlantic. We shot the commercial two weeks ago, and it turned out really well. Thank you to all who were involved, especially our star, Penny Langdon! You did great!
Southland’s 3rd Annual Picnic in the Park: A Day of Fun and Camaraderie
On July 24th, Southland employees gathered at Bowness Park for the 3rd Annual Picnic in the Park, bringing together approximately 175-200 attendees for a day of summer fun. The weather was hot and sunny, perfect for enjoying the shade of the trees by the river.The day...